Monday, July 30, 2007

Dog Days of Summer

There are a few times during the year when the work slows down. The most obvious one is the end of year holidays. Whether celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or some other religious or secular holiday, mid-December, when office parties are in full swing, to the first week of January is a time of little work. Late July and early August are also a few weeks of lull, then there is Cannes (depending on the company, either during the festival or just after) and Spring Break week. It all adds up to about six weeks a year when little or no work comes in. Such requires expert budgeting of moneys to cover expenses during the lean times.

Like many, I have no patience for budgeting of money. When things are slow, I simply don't eat.

As for filling the time. Working on those scripts that just about any Reader worth his/her salt has stashed in a drawer is always a good idea. Or, if you're really ambitious, continuing work on your version of the Great American Novel. (Note: Philip Roth already wrote a book with that title. If you like baseball, it's a hoot. Can't say there is much potential as a film in it, though.)

But what we live for, like many Writers, is procrastination. Should be rewriting that sitcom spec? Gotta shop for groceries first. Get new batteries for your watches. Mow the lawn. Edge the lawn. Consider buying lawn seed for the bare patches. Hey, there's a "Law and Order" on A&E I haven't seen before.

I'd start writing now, but it's almost lunch time and I want to have a clear three or four hours with no interruptions.

Lunch is over. Gotta watch "NFL Live" on ESPN.

Damn, the rug looks dirty, better vacuum it. Forgot milk at the store, better go before it's too crowded.

Wow, I just got a great idea for a topic for my blog! Better write it before I forget.

A bit hot today. Think I'll wait 'til things cool down before starting on any real work.

You know, "Full House" is a really funny show. And they show four episodes back-to-back on Nickelodeon.

I should check iTunes to see if they have any new music for my iPod. Wow, it's getting near dinner time. The kids come home, the wife comes home. Gotta relax with the family.

But, first thing tomorrow, chapter four of my novel.


StarlitDestiny said...

As a Writer myself, I can sympathize entirely with that sentiment of procrastination. That's why I haven't gotten very far with my book this summer. You'd think that having a first draft and a Reader's notes would spur me into action...

Good luck avoiding the heat.

Ramzan Lakhani said...

I came across your blog and found it interesting. I'm wondering why you haven't been blogging since last year. Also, I need your services, if you can, of reading a script. Please let me know how can I get in touch with you.
